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The Front Porch Blog

Education on all things homeownership

20 Tips for Your Next Yard Sale

August 22, 2018
By the time anyone is ready for a yard sale, they’ve been accruing clutter for years. Most yard sales end up...

How to Prepare for an Open House

August 17, 2018
Think of an open house as one of the most important interviews you’ll ever have. You need to apply the same...

Finance Tips for Snowbirds

August 06, 2018
To ensure owning a vacation home is as relaxing as you imagined, protect your finances and your assets with advice...

What Does an Underwriter Do?

August 01, 2018
We recently discussed the role a Loan Officer has on your journey to homeownership. Once they advise you on the best...

Change of Address Checklist

July 28, 2018
Between house hunting and drop-offs at Goodwill, don’t forget to share your change of address with the...